
Purdue white dcoat ceremony
Purdue white dcoat ceremony

Carlton Award for Aptitude in Veterinary Pathology, which recognizes a third-year student who has shown aptitude in the study of pathology The following award-winners were honored: The ceremony also included the presentation of several awards recognizing individual members of the class for special accomplishments. Andrew Woolcock, associate professor of small animal internal medicine, who offered his insights as a clinician about the students’ journey ahead. The students then heard from the faculty member they chose to address their class, Dr. The program continued with remarks from Leah Douglas, of the DVM Class of 2022, who shared words of wisdom as a fourth-year veterinary student nearing graduation. Aaron Johnson, president of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association, also was present to congratulate the students and provide each class member with an engraved name badge. The dean then turned the program over to Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Kathy Salisbury, who called the members of the Class of 2023 to the stage individually to receive their white coats. “The white coat indicates your acceptance of your great responsibility toward your patients and clients, your commitment to show compassion and empathy, and to make a positive difference in the life of every animal and person with whom you come into contact.” “It is now time to celebrate the rite of passage for our third-year veterinary students,” Dean Reed said, explaining that the ceremony marks the students’ transition from the classroom into the clinics. PVM Dean Willie Reed began the ceremony by thanking the many families, friends, and loved ones who attended the special occasion. Donors also had the opportunity to write a note of encouragement placed in the pocket of the student’s coat to acknowledge their success, enhance their sense of accomplishment, and give them the confidence to keep going.

purdue white dcoat ceremony

Numerous donors including many alumni, sponsored the ceremony by making gifts to provide each student with a white coat personalized with embroidery. Now in its 21 st year, the annual White Coat Ceremony, held in the Purdue Memorial Union Ballrooms Saturday evening, April 9, honored the third-year veterinary students as they prepared to enter their clinical year – the final year of the DVM program. Students in Purdue Veterinary Medicine’s DVM Class of 2023 participated in a beloved College of Veterinary Medicine tradition when they received white coats symbolizing their new role as junior veterinarians.

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